Sunday, August 24, 2008


Copyright linhed productions
August 2008

Fueled by the totally irresponsible tabloid coverage by the national media, prejudice and ignorance are rearing their ugly heads in the minds of countless millions of voters in this landmark presidential election. The monumental critical issues that face our country seem to be taking a back seat on this ride.

We, the American people, are witnessing history in the making. We have seen two very capable individuals in one of the strongest competitions our nation has ever faced, this in the race for the right to be a participant in an even bigger race, winner takes all, a new residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I'm speaking of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Of course from the get-go most everyone has had an opinion as to who should have the honor of representing the Democratic party. Some are making level headed decisions based on capability, becoming color blind and forgetting gender, 'tho it is quite obvious one is a white woman, the other a black man. There is no way around it. It is what it is. If you had not noticed, the media was sure to let you know! Barnum and Bailey have had some competition of their own, as the national media - competing for ratings - has at times made a tabloid circus, an issue if you will, of the race/gender factors, as opposed to an issue-oriented campaign. The gullible electorate seems to be playing right into their hands.

Not only has there been a media frenzy over race and gender, but also over the religion of one of the candidates, Barack Obama, and over his name as well. Add to that the uproar over the shenanigans of his now-former pastor, and the visiting priest who, in my opinion, thought he was on Saturday Night Live! And the television audience ate it up. Unfortunately, to some that was a negative reflection on Obama, and it should never have been.

You're sure to be asking what does all this have to do with anything? What is the point? The answer is, it has everything to do with what seems to be happening nationwide. I've seen it from day one as surely you have. Maybe you are guilty of this, or you possibly know someone who is. And what is it that you or your spouse or your neighbor or friend might be guilty of? The answer my friend, is that of irresponsibility, irresponsibility in casting your ballot for the possible leader of our country based on prejudice in any form.

Immediately some of you have thought of prejudice as a race issue. Trust me on this, it isn't just a race thing - It is also a name thing, a religion thing, a gender thing, a sexual orientation thing. If you or someone you know is voting for a candidate based on anything other than qualifications it is prejudice - or ignorance. Your choice.

As a white female and registered Independent who votes the issues, I'm disappointed in my fellow Americans when I hear someone say they won't vote for a black candidate, or for a woman. When John Kennedy began his campaign for the White House I was fifteen years old,and I remember vividly derogatory comments about his being Catholic. I didn't yet understand. It horrifies me even now, the mind-set of those who think a candidate's religion hinders his or her ability to lead without bias. It boggles my mind to think that citizens of this great nation are willing to switch their party of choice because their party's nominee is black - or the black candidate (Obama) did not choose the white female (Hillary) for his running mate. Being female, I'm appalled at the women (some of whom I know) who would vote for a (female) candidate only because she is female. I read a post on the web from a female who was so strongly for Hillary that she took Obama's decision for a man as his running mate as a slap in the face. I, on the other hand, take it as an insult that she or any other female who feels the same would see that as a slap in the face! Are women of America so insecure that this has become an issue in itself?

According to national poles, millions of people seem to be voting their emotions, arising out of prejudice, anger, or a combination of both. Every potential voter should study the issues, and make their decision based on those issues. As we go to the polls, all of us - male or female, black or white, Muslim, Catholic, Atheist or otherwise, gay or straight - each of us should ask in our own mind: Am I voting with my emotions, am I casting my ballot based on prejudice? Have I studied all the issues, and am I voting based on those issues? If we are true to our country there will no prejudice at the voting booth.


troutbirder said...

Thoughtful and interesting post. Still let us be reminded of Churchill's comment... "democracy is the worst form of government - except for all the rest."

Anonymous said...

Linda, this column simply put hit a home run!! The evils of prejudice and the consequences of ignorance are in fact showing their ugly heads during this landmark Presidential election. Congratulations on being brave enough to say what the national media refuses. Keep up the great work!!!!
